'DIY Trendy Clothes | Walmart Edition | YesHipolito'

'DIY Trendy Clothes | Walmart Edition | YesHipolito'
15:41 Sep 13, 2021
'Hi guys today I\'m going to DIY trendy clothes and everything is from Walmart. I show you how to alter Walmart clothes so they are on trend. I love a Walmart DIY project ! We are DIY ing cute aesthetic trendy clothes at an affordable price!! All of the outfits I\'m sharing are ones I\'ve seen trending on instagram and Pinterest and thought I could definitely recreate them with some affordable pieces from Walmart! I hope you enjoy todays video!!   B U S I N E S S   I N Q U I R I E S ➭ [email protected][email protected]  S O C I A L   M E D I A  ➭ http://www.instagram.com/yeshipolito ➭ http://www.tiktok.com/yeshipolitoo (double o because someone stole my name) ➭ http://www.instagram.com/elmeromike ➭ http://www.twitter.com/yeshipolito  V L O G    C H A N N E L  ➭ http://www.youtube.com/mikeandyes  M U S I C ➭ http://www.epidemicsound.com  E Q U I P M E N T  ➭ Camera https://amzn.to/2S3osVi ➭ Lens https://amzn.to/2BeSBX3 ➭ Vlog Camera https://amzn.to/2WxOhem  If you made it this far comment ➭ DIY QUEEN  Disclaimer: This video is not sponsored! All opinions are my own! Some products are sent to me for review & some links are affiliate links. Thank you for supporting me & my channel!' 

Tags: how to , diy , do it yourself , diy clothes , How to make , haul , try on , affordable , diy fashion , try on haul , clothing haul , fashion haul , trendy , walmart , walmart haul , affordable fashion , walmart fashion , walmart try on haul , walmart clothing haul , walmart fashion haul , tailor , Trendy fashion , trendy clothes , hipolito , yesenia , YesHipolito , Yes Hipolito , Yesenia Hipolito , YeseniaHipolito , Yesipolito , Yes Ipolito , Yesenia Ipolito , YeseniaIpolito , tailor diy , how to alter

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